ABOUT US                  

Our Name

Tuia ki Tawhiti - to sew the distance.

Tuia ki Tawhiti is upheld through our guiding principles.

Our guiding principles

Whanaungatanga - We actively build and nurture relationships within our community. We prioritise a sense of belonging, interconnectedness, and mutual support, creating an environment where collaboration flourishes.

 Kotahitanga - We are guided by our commitment to unity and togetherness in our collective efforts and are focused on our shared purpose for health education, outdoor education and physical education.

Mana ÅŒrite - We uphold Mana ÅŒrite, ensuring equity and equal opportunity for all participants. We strive to create an inclusive environment where diverse voices are heard, respected, and valued. We aim to address disparities and promote fairness within our community.

Partnerships - We adhere to the principles of partnership as guided by Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We honour the unique partnership between Māori and non-Māori stakeholders, enriching experiences for all.

Progressiveness - We embrace adaptability and responsiveness in the face of change within educational landscapes. We are forward-thinking, and strive to equip educators with the tools, strategies and knowledge needed to navigate change effectively.

Our shared purpose

Tuia ki runga, tuia ki raro

Tuia ki roto, tuia ki waho

Tuia ki te ngākau o nga tāngata

Tuia tātou ki te pae tawhiti

Stitch what is above to what is below

Stitch what is within to what is without

Stitch the hearts of the people

Stitch us to the distant horizon.


This whakatauki represents our purpose and the strength we have in uniting together to;

-         encourage sharing of ideas, practices, research, and to bring people together as a community.

-         cultivate innovation, embrace future-focused strategies, strengthen communities and foster responsiveness to changes in education.

-         support each other and the future of our rangatahi.

Conference Venue - Location: Cashmere High School

Conference committee includes:

Sophie Hoskins

Outdoor Education Kaiārahi

Education Outdoors New Zealand



Juliet Duder

Subject Advisor (Secondary)

Physical Education New Zealand



Leigh Morgan
NZ Health Education Association